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Emma's Treasures Page 9

  “Thank you for the offer, but I can take care of myself. This is my problem, and I have to fix it. Just tell Tate,” Emma said as the Yellow Cab pulled into the parking lot. Reaching for the door, she turned, and then quickly walked over to Jeff and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.” With that, she jumped into the waiting car, and left.

  Jeff stood there, watching the Yellow Cab drive off, and then without thinking he grabbed his cell phone, hitting speed dial two, and waited for the answer. It didn’t take long. “Go,” the voice said.

  “License number Yankee, Alpha, Charlie, nine seven six.”

  “Got it. Follow with caution.”

  Chapter Nine

  She was going to be begging him to stop before this night was out because he was going to spank her ass so hard she wouldn’t be able to sit down for a month. Travis was so beyond pissed off, all he saw were ways to torture her into submission. His wife thought she was so damned cute, so damned smart, that he wouldn’t find out about anything. What the hell did she think he was…gullible?

  From a dingy motel room on the outskirt of town, Travis surveyed his surroundings. The room was small but had the bare minimum conveniences. The drab seventy-era wallpaper reeked of smoke. The small double bed, centered in the middle of the room, was bolted to the floor. The chain anchoring the small television gave the room a less than complimentary feel.

  He had received the call from Jeff over thirty minutes ago and after leaving Tabitha with Tate, he and Tucker headed to the motel.

  By the time he and his brother arrived, the others had already set up the surveillance equipment and were positioning themselves in various spots around the area. Travis had to admit, it was a little too much cloak and dagger for him, but if it kept Emma safe, he didn’t care.

  Standing there looking at the monitor, he could see her clearly. She looked scared, and as far as he was concerned, she should be…of him. He watched clearly as the Yellow Cab pulled in front of the Treasure Eight Motel and Emma exited the cab. That was the last he saw of her.

  “I don’t like this. I can’t see her.”

  “Calm down, Travis, Bud is playing receptionist tonight, and don’t forget that Jeff is going to be staying in the room next to her. We have cameras set up in her room. We won’t miss anything,” Braxton Connelly, the town sheriff, explained.

  “Braxton, isn’t this outside the scope of the law?” Tucker asked, chewing on a beef stick.

  “Well…” Braxton replied, smiling and shrugging his shoulders.

  “That’s what I thought.” Tucker smiled.

  “Look, there she is. Bud is showing her the room. He just handed her the keys, and now he is leaving.”

  Just then phone rang, and Braxton hit the speaker. “Yes.”

  “Sleeping beauty is all tucked in.”

  “Thanks, Bud.”

  Travis and Tucker sat in front of the little colored television. It was weird to see Emma walking around the cheap motel room as if nothing was happening. Felt strange, almost like they were intruding on something. They watched as Emma removed her shoes and went to the bathroom.

  As she began to take off her clothes, Travis and Tucker immediately shouted, “You put a camera in the bathroom!”

  “You said everywhere. You said you wanted to make sure her every move was watched. We did as you instructed,” Braxton said, coming out of the bathroom and grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

  “Well, I won’t have everyone looking at my wife while she showers,” Travis fumed.

  “Our wife,” Tucker replied, reinforcing Travis’s claim with his own.

  “That’s why you and Tucker are here. You get bathroom watch. So start watching. If you seeing anything out of the ordinary, let me or Daniel know. We’re going to Macie’s for something to eat,” Braxton informed them as he grabbed his wallet and cell phone, leaving Travis and Tucker to watch.

  They watched as Emma sat on the toilet and placed her head in her hands, and very slowly scanned the room. Getting up, she leaned over the tub and turned on the water. Standing, she removed her shirt, taking her time to stretch. Folding the shirt nicely, she set it on the back of the toilet seat. Letting her hands undo the buttons of her jeans, she slowly shimmied out of them, allowing them to fall to the ground.

  Very slowly, she bent over and picked them up. Like the shirt, she folded the jeans, and placed them, too, on the back of the toilet. It didn’t take long to remove her bra and panties and place them with the rest of her clothes. Emma stretched again and then stepped into the shower, leaving the shower curtain open just enough so they could see.

  “Let me get this straight. We have to sit here and watch Emma shower?” Tucker asked, wiping the drool from his open mouth.

  “Fuck,” Travis responded, a little tersely. He watched as Emma grabbed the little bar of soap and began to lather it, rubbing it on her milky white skin as she tilted her head back to get her hair wet. Her hands roamed freely as she maneuvered the little bar of soap over her chest, rib cage, hips, and stomach. He watched as she began massaging her breasts, paying special attention to her nipples. Kneading and rolling. Travis watched as she applied just enough pressure, hearing her clearly as she moaned.

  “Holy fuck.” Tucker moaned as he watched the soft soap bubbles trail down her svelte body as she touched herself, his cock instantly ramrod stiff.

  She continued to pleasure herself as one hand slowly trailed down her rib cage, over her stomach, to her moist pussy. They held their breath as she found her clit and began to rub, moving her finger in tiny little circles. Massaging her breast with one of her hands, she pinched hard at her nipple, crying out as she did so. Her finger rubbed vigorously against her pussy, and then in one suave move, she inserted her middle finger into her wet channel, pumping in and out.

  “Son of a bitch!” Tucker grunted as he watched his woman get herself off. It was hands down the most erotic thing he had ever seen.

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Tucker,” Travis demanded as his breath hitched and his cock pressed hard against his jeans.

  “How the hell can you sit there and not want to barge into the room and take what belongs to us? She is killing me, literally killing me. I’m gonna come right here in my damn pants.”

  But Travis was in a world all to himself. He didn’t give a damn about Tucker. He was watching his little wife, and she liked to put on show.

  Her palm was rubbing her clit vigorously now as she threw her head back, allowing the pleasure to seep into her body. He knew the fire burning within her was rising to the surface, and then with one last pinch of her taut nipple, Emma screamed as wave after wave exploded within her. Her legs still shaky, and her breath still coming rapidly, she pulled back the curtain and looked right at the camera, and with a cocky tilt to her lips, she smiled.

  “She fucking knows!” Tucker said in shock.

  “’Cause she knows us. She is too damn smart for her own good,” Travis said, rising to his feet. He quickly readjusted his cock into a more comfortable position, and headed for the door.

  “Where are you going?”


  Looking like a kid who had just lost his one and only chance at the little league world series, Tucker asked, “What about the surveillance?”

  “You survey. I’m going to have a talk with our little wife.” With that, Travis left the room.

  Travis let himself into her room and was leaning against the door when Emma walked out of the bathroom. Looking at her go about her business, he couldn’t help himself as his heart hitched and began to beat faster. She was hands down the most beautiful woman in the world, and she was all his. He still couldn’t figure out what he had done in this world to deserve a woman like Emma.

  She was so much more than he ever imagined. Emma was strong, intelligent, resourceful, and tenacious. She was the whole package. But if he had to pinpoint the very thing that attracted him to her, he knew it would have to be the way she loved hi
m, unconditionally. Emma had this way of wiggling herself into his heart, and once she was there, she fanned out until she incorporated herself into his entire soul. She owned him, wholly, but he knew she didn’t know that. Well, not yet at least.

  From the moment he had met the little girl with blonde pigtails out running in the field across from his parents’ ranch, he knew she was something special. From that day forward, he and his brothers had made it clear to everyone that little Miss Emma Elizabeth McKenzie belonged to them, and only them.

  * * * *

  Emma walked out of the bathroom with a smile on her face to find Travis leaning against the motel door. Looking smug and horny as hell, he pushed off and sauntered toward her, taking his time. Emma’s breath hitched as he moved closer. Goddamn, he is a handsome man.

  “Travis?” Emma barely whispered.

  “Emma,” he replied, taking her in his arms. “You, my little exhibitionist, have a lot of explaining to do.”

  “You liked what you saw?” she teased. The growl erupting within Travis had Emma’s pussy creaming instantly.

  “Oh yeah, baby, I saw. I saw everything,” he replied, taking her mouth in a sensual, heartfelt, toe-curling kiss. The electricity between the two had always been explosive, but at this moment, they were about to erupt in a fiery display that was going to shake up the whole town.

  Removing the towel from her damp body, Travis picked her up and carried her the few steps to the bed. Laying her gently in the middle, he stood and proceeded to slowly remove his clothing.

  When he was naked, he laid down next to her, engulfing her in his arms. He loved the feel of her, her soft, supple skin, like petals. Running his hand up and down her side from breast to hip, he asked, “Emma, why did you run? You know you could have called me.”

  “I know, but I have already put you guys in danger. I just wanted to take care of this and be done with it. I know you are angry with me, and I am sorry.”

  “Not angry, baby, just hurt.”

  Emma slid her hand across his chest. The feel of his fine hairs tickled her palm, and she felt his breathing beneath her hand.

  Travis rolled, and before Emma could catch her breath, he was between her legs and she could feel his hard cock rubbing at her entrance. “You know what I just realized? You had a birthday a while back.”

  “I know, but I don’t celebrate them anymore,” Emma whispered.

  “Let me give you a proper birthday present. Will you allow me to do that, princess?” Travis asked, kissing her neck.

  What happened next was beyond anything Travis could have ever imagined. The once warm, loving woman in his arms became hard, cold. Perspiration formed on her brow, her breathing became rapid, and within seconds her body tensed so hard, you could have broken a cement brick across her stomach.

  “Emma? Come on, baby, snap out of it,” Travis said, trying to bring her back to the present. “Tucker! I know you’re watching, call Kelly and Doc!” he shouted.

  Slowly removing himself from her body, he watched as Emma remembered…everything.

  * * * *

  The cool night air tickled her skin as she lay happily on the woven blanket left by the boys. Her body hummed in delight as she remembered every feeling every touch. Little shivers erupted within her drenched pussy as she recalled their hands on her, their mouths, their hard virile cocks in her.

  She was flying high in an orgasmic sea of sex and temptation.

  Her birthday wish had come true.

  She had hoped and prayed, but she never let on, that what she really wanted for her twenty-first birthday was them, and boy did she get her wish. Stretching her arms over her head, she yawned, closing her eyes as she drifted off into her first taste of postcoital bliss.

  It was the strike of a match that woke Emma to find him sitting next to her, stroking her bare back.

  Emma jumped, covering herself quickly. “Who are you?” she asked, her body trembling.

  “My darling, Emma, those boys sure did break you in good, didn’t they? You’re just like your momma, aren’t you?” he whispered, his voice slithering with evil.

  She screamed.

  “Go ahead and scream, darling. Those boys are headed over to your house,” he said, slapping her hard to get her attention. “It looks like your house is on fire. At least it was when I left.”

  “What?” she asked, shocked, as she struggled in vain to free herself from the strong bonds that held her. She felt the blow to her head and saw stars. Landing hard against the ground, she felt a wash of pain flow threw her body as if she was on fire. Screaming as loud as she could, the immense pain soon took control, making her sick to her stomach. Then, just as quick as the pain began, it stopped, leaving only the mind-numbing reality of what just occurred.

  Kneeling down, he whispered into her ear, “I don’t care how the fuck you do it, but you will get me the deeds to the house and ranch. You better hear me, ’cause if you don’t I will tell those boys what a loose fuck you were.” With that, he walked away.

  * * * *

  Travis held her thrashing body as Tucker ran into the room. Both of the brothers listened as she screamed their names over and over again, but it was the way her body responded that had them worried. Almost as if possessed, they watched as Emma’s body reenacted what had happened, and from what the brothers were seeing, they were going to kill someone. Her kicks, scratches, punches, and screams, let them know that their woman had fought hard, but in the end, she lost the battle. They knew someone had hurt their woman, and for that, whoever it was, was going to die.

  As they watched as she remembered, the tension between the two was so thick, they never heard the door slam open as Doc and Kelly rushed to the bed.

  It didn’t take Doc but seconds to administer the sedative, then as quickly as she remembered, her lifeless body fell into a deep slumber.

  “Oh, my little girl, what did that bastard do to you?” Doc said as he gently touched her face. Travis and Tucker watched as the older man lovingly caressed Emma’s cheek. Softly covering her with a sheet, he looked at Kelly. “Get her dressed. I’m taking her to the clinic for observation for seventy-two hours,” Doc ordered as the paramedics waited outside as Kelly dressed Emma.

  “Doc, can’t you observe her at home?” Tucker asked as tears streamed down his face. “She is gonna be so upset when she wakes up. Won’t it be better if she was in her own room, surrounded by her things?”

  “I’m sorry, Tucker, I need to run some tests, and I can’t do that at the house. I am only going to keep her for three days, and then she can go home. Someone better call Tate and inform him, ’cause I don’t want him barreling through my clinic, upsetting my patients.” With that, Doc, Kelly, and the paramedics left with Emma.

  Chapter Ten

  Travis and Tucker sat at their kitchen table with Sheriff Braxton Connelly, Jeff and Caleb Hicks, Bud Anderson, Deputy Brandon Kincade and the McDaniel brothers, Orin, Davis, and Jacks. Everyone at the table was from Treasure Cove, but more than that, all but Bud Anderson were the last surviving members of the original founding families of the town, founded back in the early 1800s. Besides Kelly, they were all there. So basically, they knew everyone and all the dirt on everyone.

  They all listened attentively as Travis explained what had happened, and Braxton and Jeff confirmed the episode from the motel room.

  “Holy fuck, Trav. Who was it? Has she said yet?” Orin asked. Travis looked at his long-time friend, and shook his head no.

  “Do we know when this happened?” Brandon asked, running his hands over his face. Brandon had known the McKenzie’s from birth, growing up next to the family ranch.

  “Look, guys, all I know is what Kelly has said. From the moment the doc brought her out of the sedative, Emma began screaming ‘Daddy,’ which is understandable, because he was killed in the house fire the night we were with Emma at the pond.”

  “That was also the night your dad was killed in the car acci
dent, right?” Jeff asked, remembering that horrible night. That night had changed everything in the town. Families were still recovering from that aftermath, his included.

  “Emma has another session with Kelly today. Hopefully we can get more information, but till Emma names the bastard, we don’t have much to go on. Plus there is the son of a bitch who is threatening her. He wants the will and deeds to the ranch, which makes no sense, because Glenn never owned the ranch. We don’t know who has the deeds to the ranch, the house, or the will. There is no public record of anything. Have any of you heard anything different?”

  “According to town records, the ranch once belonged to the Town Trust, but that’s it. There is no record of who owns the ranch now. As for a will, I checked the county courthouse and with the local law officer, Anthony Jacobs. He said Glenn McKenzie never had a will. Neither did Isabella. Now, I did call Margaret,” Braxton informed them, looking at Jeff who immediately got up and turned away. He knew hearing his mother’s name was a sore subject for Jeff, and he didn’t blame him. “She informed me that Isabella passed away two years ago, leaving nothing to Emma but a handwritten note, which I had mailed to the sheriff’s office. Maybe when it arrives, we will find something out. Margaret said that Emma’s mom flipped out when Emma told her who the fathers of Tabitha were, and even on her deathbed, she kept muttering that Emma was going to end up just like the rest of them,” Braxton informed the brothers.

  “Fucking bitch, she better not have written anything to upset Emma,” Tucker mouthed off.

  “That’s why I had the letter mailed to the office. If it’s hurtful, Emma never need know her mother left her a letter. Look, boys, I love Emma like a sister, and I want to catch this bastard, both of them, but until Emma can start naming names, my hands are tied,” the sheriff told them.